April E. King » Attorney Referral Directory

The individuals listed in this Directory have represented that they are attorneys in good standing. CLS of Minnesota makes no representation as to the personal or professional qualifications of each individual attorney. Individuals have provided their primary areas of practice but we have not independently confirmed this information. CLS of Minnesota does not exercise any control over the legal work these directory participants perform or over the fees they charge.

April E. King

Attorney Howse & Thompson, P.A.
Work 3189 Fernbrook Lane North Plymouth MN 55447 Work Phone: 763-577-0150 Work Fax: 763-577-0151 Website: Howse & Thompson website


April King moved to Minnesota with her husband Rollin in 2001, when he joined the faculty of Bethel University and she successfully sat the Minnesota bar exam. April and family attend Emmaus Church in White Bear Lake. In addition to private practice in estate and tax planning, she seeks to bring salt and light to the Minnesota State Bar Association, minister to an inmate of the Georgia prison system, and be the hands and feet of Jesus to a local family dealing with benefits and disability issues.

April hopes climate change will yield a longer growing season for her Minnesota garden and continues “training up her children in the way they should go” as they enter adulthood. She is a member of the Minnesota State Bar and board member of Minnesota Christian Legal Society.