The individuals listed in this Directory have represented that they are attorneys in good standing. CLS of Minnesota makes no representation as to the personal or professional qualifications of each individual attorney. Individuals have provided their primary areas of practice but we have not independently confirmed this information. CLS of Minnesota does not exercise any control over the legal work these directory participants perform or over the fees they charge.
Gregory D. Dittrich
Gregory D. Dittrich holds a B.S. in business administration from the University of Minnesota and a J.D. from the UND School of Law. He has served as a law clerk with the U.S. Justice Department, the U.S. Army and the North Dakota Attorney General’s office. He served as a litigator as a Special Assistant Attorney General with the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, the Fabyanske Law Firm. In 1996 Mr. Dittrich formed the Dittrich Law Firm.
Mr. Dittrich’s practice includes an emphasis in the areas of family law, mediation/alternative dispute resolution, estate planning, parenting time expediting and civil litigation. He founded the Family Mediation Center, Inc. in 1999 as an alternative dispute resolution option for parties.
Mr. Dittrich and his wife, Loretta, live in Woodbury, Minnesota. They enjoy their shared love of their catholic faith, adult children, two grandchildren and their extended family. He serves as the Church Council President at Transfiguration Catholic Church and is an active member of the Fr. Finley Council of the Knights of Columbus. He has served as the President of the Christian Legal Society of Minnesota and as President of the Twin City Christian Legal Aid.
Mr. Dittrich has been a volunteer for the National Ski Patrol for the past 36 years and presently is the Treasurer. He has been a Lions club member for 15 years, is a recipient of the Melvin Jones Award, the highest honor for a Lion and is past President of the club. He is a past board member and President of two YMCA branches, a volunteer attorney at the Union Gospel Mission, and serves on numerous non-profit boards and organizations in the Twin Cities.