James Ballentine » Attorney Referral Directory

The individuals listed in this Directory have represented that they are attorneys in good standing. CLS of Minnesota makes no representation as to the personal or professional qualifications of each individual attorney. Individuals have provided their primary areas of practice but we have not independently confirmed this information. CLS of Minnesota does not exercise any control over the legal work these directory participants perform or over the fees they charge.

James Ballentine

Of Counsel
Work 80 South Eighth Street 5120 IDS Center Minneapolis MN 55402 Work Phone: 612-619-5092 Website: Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben


Jim Ballentine spent twelve years in pastoral ministry before going to law school. During his years in ministry, he learned that lawyers were necessary players in solving people’s problems, especially in the area of personal injury. Jim graduated from William Mitchell College of Law in 1990 and has been with Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben for over twenty five years. He finds it very rewarding to represent injured individuals and families through motion and appellate work.