Margaret M. Barrett » Attorney Referral Directory

The individuals listed in this Directory have represented that they are attorneys in good standing. CLS of Minnesota makes no representation as to the personal or professional qualifications of each individual attorney. Individuals have provided their primary areas of practice but we have not independently confirmed this information. CLS of Minnesota does not exercise any control over the legal work these directory participants perform or over the fees they charge.

Margaret M. Barrett

Work 3240 Rice Street Little Canada MN 55126 Work 760 Southcross Dr. W. Burnsville MN 55306 Work Phone: 612-615-9535 Work Fax: 651-691-2001 Website: Safe Harbor


Margaret Barrett helps families protect what is most important to them. She is passionate about improving clients lives by showing them better options and effective solutions to complicated situations.

Margaret created the Smooth Sailing System, an all-in-one estate planning program for people of all ages who occasionally put things off. The Smooth Sailing System provides you with: an all-in-one packet to guide your family when you are gone, a personal advisor on all legal matters pertaining to your estate and more. Planning for your estate is essential to passing on your values, stewarding your assets, and caring for your loved ones.

As part of Margaret’s elder law practice, she also helps clients plan to pay for long term care planning, including Medical Assistance.

Margaret also assists clients after their loved ones die with estate or trust administration, including probate, long-term care planning and Medical Assistance.

Margaret’s gifts, passions, training and life experiences have all come together in her estate planning and elder law practice. After graduating from William Mitchell College of Law cum laude, she practiced 5 years at a big firm, and spent 7 years as women’s ministry director at her church before staring her own firm. Margaret’s Christian faith is integral to her practice, which she considers a ministry. She is ethical, compassionate, capable and communicative.