Paul D. Baertschi » Attorney Referral Directory

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Paul D. Baertschi

Work 2140 4th Ave. N. Anoka MN 55303 Work Phone: 763-427-5950 Website:


Mr. Baertschi received his B.A. from Bradley University in 1976 and his law degree from Southern Illinois University in 1979. He relocated to Minnesota in 1984, where he has worked in the Isanti County Attorney’s Office as First Assistant, and then as a municipal prosecutor at Holmes and Graven (now Kennedy and Graven). Mr. Baertschi has been a partner with Steve Tallen since 1993, where the two of them practice in private criminal defense and municipal prosecution for several jurisdictions in Hennepin County.  As of May 2022, Paul joined the team of Berglund, Baumgartner, Kimball and Glaser.

Mr. Baertschi is a member of the Criminal Law Council of the Minnesota State Bar Association. He has been a lecturer at various seminars including the annual Criminal Justice Institute for attorneys and police officers. Mr. Baertschi authors a monthly case summary service, Minnesota Police Briefs, which has been in publication for over 20 years. Many attorneys including city attorneys, public defenders and private attorneys rely on this service to keep up to date on developments in criminal law. Mr. Baertschi has worked with the Supreme Court Criminal Rules Committee to revise some forms used in District Court, and frequently provides consultation for other attorneys.

Mr. Baertschi is a strong believer in fairness and equal access to the courts. He is the past president of the Minnesota Chapter of the Christian Legal Society and serves on the Board of Directors of Twin Cities Christian Legal Aid, an organization that he was the principle founder of. TCCLA provides free legal services to the poor at various locations in the Twin Cities. His favorite hobbies include playing guitar, singing, composing humorous songs, waterskiing and snowmobiling. He and his wife Sally are proud parents and new grandparents. Mr. Baertschi is Chairman of the Leadership Team at Anoka Covenant Church, where he and Sally have attended for over 20 years.