Scott Andrew Fulks » Attorney Referral Directory

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Scott Andrew Fulks

Immigration Attorney Deckert Law, P.A.
Work 12912 63rd Avenue N. Maple Grove MN 55369 Work Phone: 763-587-7100 Work Fax: 763-587-7110 Website: Deckert Law, P.A.


Scott works with businesses, families, and individuals on immigration matters. Having spent most of his younger years in South America as a child of missionaries and later emigrated for mission work in Europe as an adult, Scott has a passion for immigrants and the opportunities provided by global migration. He utilizes his bilingual abilities and cultural awareness to guide immigrants through an increasingly complex and unstable U.S. immigration system.

He began practicing immigration law upon graduation from the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis. While in law school, Scott successfully obtained asylum for a West African client before USCIS and authored an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court for a high-profile case which was selected by its justices to be heard in 2020.

Having completed a Master of Divinity and Master of Theology in Historical Theology before law school, Scott enjoys teaching and preaching in his church on issues related to church history, missiology, immigration,  and systematic theology.