Related Ministries

Referral Directory
Christian Legal Society of Minnesota publishes and distributes an annual referral directory of lawyers who have AFFIRMED A STATEMENT OF FAITH for the purpose of aiding individuals in their search for Christian attorneys. The directories are distributed to churches and other ministries throughout Minnesota.

Peacemaker Ministries
Christian Legal Society of Minnesota encourages training for individuals who are interested in being Christian Conciliators to assist in resolving disputes within the local church between Christians. The training emphasizes the Biblical model for dispute resolution found in Matthew 18.

Fellowship Meetings
Approximately once every quarter, Christian Legal Society of Minnesota sponsors a breakfast or luncheon meeting often featuring an address from an inspiring speaker. The meetings are intended to be a source of inspiration and a vehicle of fellowship for interested attorneys and law students.

Law Student Ministry
Christian Legal Society of Minnesota is dedicated to assisting and supporting the various student chapters of the Christian Legal Society within the various Minnesota law schools.